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Welcome to ZollySite.com!
This is the personal website of "Zolly Darko."

Enjoy browsing through the mind of a shining star!

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A picture of wolf

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Note: My website works best on PC and with a 1080p or 2k resolution.
If you're using a mobile phone you may experience a font problem (too small, too big, etc.)

Note also that the creations I have on my site may seem weird or deluded.
I am an artist who is suffering from "schizophrenia. "
I hope that you find the stuff on zollysite to be entertaining. Feel free to use the Guestbook for comments/and or feedback!

You can also buy and read my book The Suffering of Jack Hyde @ Amazon Kindle.

Feel free to donate money;

Do you like my creations and want to support me? Here you can add a fee to my paypal:

You can also donate Crypto (ETH) to my wallet=


You can find my IQ projects @ zollydarko.com & IQexams.net & IQHaven.com & Brainzilla.com & iQuizly.com

Visit my world in Manyland @ manyland.com/lokkishome

Visitors since 8/2/2019 (Will not show if you have AD block):

This website has been available since ~2012.

Picture of an angel